The Peruvian film Wiñaypacha won the FEISAL award (American Federation of Image and Sound Schools) at the Guadalajara International Film Festival.
According to the jury, it received this award for being a “beautiful, moving and somewhat angst-ridden reflection of how to survive in complete harmony with your ancestral roots, family, religion, nature and traditions.”
It is the first feature length film by Oscar Catacora and is filmed in the Aymara language. Other films shown at the festival include Desecho (Debris) and El abuelo (The Grandad).
Wiñaypacha will be released in Peru on April 19. The film describes the day to day life of an elderly couple abandoned by their children in rural Puno.
This feature film, the first to be made in Aymara in Peru, has been shown at several international film festivals. It could be seen for example at the Lima Latin American Film Festival last year in the section of films made in the country.
Wiñaypacha received funding from the Ministry of Culture for its production and distribution. It was filmed 5,000 meters above sea level.
Source: El Peruano