The Peruvian government provides economic incentives to minority co-productions
The Ministry of Culture has launched the call for Economic Incentives for the Promotion of Cinematographic and Audiovisual Activity 2024 - Bicentennial Edition. Its objective is to promote the development of the Peruvian cinema and audiovisual ecosystem.
The Audiovisual, Phonography, and New Media Directorate (DAFO by its acronym in Spanish) of the Ministry of Culture of Peru manages these economic incentives, which are distributed in 17 categories. One of them is the national competition for minority co-productions.
This economic incentive aims to promote creative, professional, and artistic exchange between Peru and other countries where a Peruvian legal entity has a minority participation.
It is aimed at national legal entities participating as a minority co-producer in a fiction or documentary project. The project must involve the participation of a foreign legal entity responsible for the majority co-production.
The maximum amount that beneficiaries can request as an economic incentive is 355,000 soles for fiction projects and 190,000 soles for documentary projects.
You can apply until May 13th of the current year. In this link "You will find the contest rules, the application form, and all the required documents to participate."
If you need more information, you can write to [email protected].