Peru continues to grow as a destination for film locations
More Peruvian destinations! Our country continues to generate great expectations internationally as a destination for film locations, this could be confirmed with the recent success of productions such as “Transformers: Rise of the Beasts”, “La Reina del Sur (The Queen of the South) - Season 3”, among others. With the objective of creating and institutionalizing a Film Commission, the Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Exports and Tourism, PROMPERÚ (Promoción del Perú para la Exportación y el Turismo), participated in the installation of the “Executive Board for the promotion of Peru as a destination for film locations”, in the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
This session developed thanks to the active management of PROMPERÚ and was attended by representatives of the ministries of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Culture, Transport and Communications, Interior, and Economy and Finance; as well as SUNAT, SERNANP, the National Assembly of Regional Governments, the Association of Municipalities of Peru and private organizations in the film industry.
The meeting also sought to address, identify, promote and propose actions that allow attracting international productions to our country for the filming of movies, series, documentaries, among other audiovisual content, to contribute to the economic growth of the country, and thus generate a space for articulation between the public and private sectors.
“It is important to turn our country into an attractive destination for film locations, because in this way, we help make our country and its different regions visible, generating a social, cultural and also economic impact, not only in the film and audiovisual industry, but also in Tourism; that is why our commitment is to continue supporting these spaces for dialogue that contribute to promoting joint actions,” said Angélica Matsuda, executive president of PROMPERÚ.
As well as for the aforementioned fictions, PROMPERÚ provided continuous accompaniment to national and international productions, such as “Until we meet again” by Tondero (Peru) for Netflix, “Don´t Look Up” by Netflix (United States), and this year the same is done with the third delivery of “Paddington in Peru”.
Currently, on the Film in Peru minisite (https://filminperu.peru.info/), a catalog of locations with important content from different destinations in our country can be found, providing the required information for filming in our country.