Since December 2019, through Decree 022-2019, a regulatory framework was approved for the promotion of cinematographic and audiovisual activity. PROMPERÚ is the entity in charge of promoting the use of locations in the national territory for the cinematographic and audiovisual productions, both national and international.

For their part, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are in charge of the international promotion of Peruvian cinematographic and audiovisual productions, and the promotion of favorable conditions for its national and foreign production in Peru.

FILM IN PERU, a cross-cutting strategy of PROMPERU, aims to promote Peru as a preferred destination for all types of audiovisual productions. It strives to provide a comprehensive service that guarantees a positive filming experience in the country. To this end, it has the following lines of action:

  • Informative line: Provides detailed and updated information on a diversity of attractive locations throughout the country, accessibility, weather conditions, among other aspects, in order to provide personalized attention.
  • Advice line: Offers comprehensive support in the management of filming permits and coordination with local and national authorities, as well as advice on logistics to ensure a smooth and trouble-free production.
  • Promotion: Participates in national and international film and audiovisual industry events and is a member of the Association of Film Commissioners International (AFCI) and the Latin American Film Commissioners Network (LAFCN).
  • Interinstitutional articulation line: Facilitator role through active coordination with public and private sector entities for filming in Peru. Additionally, it participates in the Executive Board for the Promotion of Peru as a destination for Film Locations led by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, among other entities.

Each line of action is designed to highlight the beauty, diversity and cultural richness of Peru's destinations, thus facilitating the development of cinematographic and audiovisual works that contribute to showcasing the country and to the economic and sustainable growth of the national tourism and audiovisual industries.

Peru does not have a tax incentive such as a tax credit or cash refund. However, the cost of national production is quite competitive at the regional level.

In addition to Peru's participation in the Ibermedia program, minority co-productions are financed through the Economic Stimulus of the Ministry of Culture. These incentives are delivered to the Peruvian company that participates as a co-producer in a majority film production from other Latin American countries.

To film in the country, it should be considered that the entities that would grant the permits could vary in each case and the need for the level of production. To get an idea, these are the Entities or Institutions that are responsible for granting the permit, as the case may be:

  • Streets, avenues, public roads: District or provincial municipalities.
  • Archaeological sites: Ministry of Culture through its Decentralized Directorates of Culture.
  • Air operations: Civil Aviation General Directorate of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.
  • Natural areas: National Service of Natural Protected Areas by the State (SERNANP).

The procedures for each case must be requested under a formal request to each Public Entity. Said document should mainly contain the reason, date, hours, location, description of the filming, details of the equipment to be used, number of personnel in the filming signed by the producer in charge.

For the entry of foreigners whose purpose is related to filming, there are three viable migratory statuses according to Supreme Decree No. 007-2021-IN:

  • Journalism: For correspondent work for foreign media (news agencies, journalistic publications, radio stations, television, or others) with accreditation from a media outlet. Likewise, for those conducting film or photographic recording for a foreign media outlet or a foreign film production company.
  • Temporary Artistic Production: For foreigners engaged in artistic or technical work in activities related to the cultural or artistic industry, including film production. This allows multiple entries into the country for the foreigner, without being able to receive independent remuneration. The duration of stay is up to 183 days. The cost is USD 25.
  • Resident Artistic Production: For foreigners engaged in artistic or technical work in activities related to the cultural or artistic industry, including film production. This allows multiple entries into the country for the foreigner, without being able to receive independent remuneration. The duration of stay is up to 365 days, renewable. The cost is USD 80.

Here are the equipment that can be brought by air:

Here are the equipment that can be brought by land:

The ATA carnet, also known as the "merchandise passport", is an international customs document. It represents a joint initiative between the World Customs Organization (WCO) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) to temporarily facilitate the entry of low-risk goods into a country (items for fairs and exhibitions, professional equipment, products for sports, artistic purposes, among others). This tool is effective for use in Peru since April 30, 2024. For more information on the procedure, please go to ATA carnet, also known as "Merchandise Passport", can be used in Peru or send an email to: [email protected].