Peru | History and culture

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Photography: ©PROMPERÚ
FILM IN PERU, unexpected locations where all stories are possible.
Useful information
These are important facts about the Peruvian territory.
Peru is located in the western part of the South American continent. It borders Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile and the Pacific Ocean.


The entire area that borders the Pacific Ocean. Its climate is temperate with moderate warmth, but with high humidity and dense fog in winter.
In summer, there is very little fog and the temperature reaches 30 °C.

The Peruvian highlands are made up of the Andes Mountain Range, from north to south. This region presents an intermediate vegetation between the desert coast and the tropical forest.
The mountain climate ranges from temperate to cold, depending on the altitude.

The Peruvian jungle is part of the Amazon. This area has one of the greatest biodiversities in the world. Its rainy tropical climate allows for exuberant vegetation.
In addition, it is hot all year round, although there is less rain during the winter.